You heard us right, not all high fat food will harm you! In-fact some of them might do more good than harm to your body. You can easily differentiate between which ones to skip and which ones to eat and incorporate them into your diet.
A healthy fat comprises monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats that contain Omega-3 fatty acids. You can start incorporating foods that contain these and level up your diet! Having high fat foods in your diet has many advantages and some of them are listed down!
- Makes you feel full and gives you contentment.
- Slows down the rapid digestion of carbs.
- Adds taste and flavor to your food.
In this article, we have curated a list of all the high fat food items you can eat that will benefit your body and mind, read on to discover what exactly these food items are and how can you incorporate them into your daily diet!
These small seeds may look tiny and insignificant at the first sight, but they are full of nutrients that will benefit your body in so many ways! A small serving of chia seeds, let’s say 30 grams contains 9 grams of fat which mostly contains Omega-3 acids.
Omega -3 promotes heart health, by increasing HDL (good cholesterol) and reducing chances of blood clots forming in your body. It is also really beneficial for your eye health!
Studies have shown that Chia seeds effectively mitigate the chances of developing high blood pressure and Diabetes Type-2!
Dark chocolate is also one of the best healthy high fat foods you can consume without feeling guilty! It might sound fishy but other being rich with nutrients, the chocolate also provides a large number of health benefits!
Dark chocolate has many health benefits when it comes to your cardiovascular health, but 24.5 grams of this chocolate is made up of saturated fats which should be monitored while eating, too much of saturated fats can also cause health risks and defeat the entire purpose of healthy but tasty eating.
A medium sized avocado has around 22 grams of fat in it, and it is very high in oleic acid which is monounsaturated fatty acid that has many medicinal and health benefits!
Other than good fats, an avocado also contains a lot of fiber which is really good for your digestive health as well! it has many health benefits such as a possibility of reduction in cancer risks and the high potassium levels in the fruit also saves you from a lot of eye problems.
If you want to eat a reasonable amount of protein without eating meat, eggs are your greatest buddy. Approximately 5.5 grams of fat, or 1.6 grams of saturated fat, are included in a cooked egg.
Eggs boast a lot of nutrients and some of them are choline and vitamin-D that support the brain, liver and nerves. A re-search shows that eating eggs daily can reduce a lot of cardiovascular health risks.
Eating fatty fishes like tuna and salmon can benefit you a lot as they are mostly constituted of unsaturated acids and Omega-6 and Omega-3 acids that are really good for your brain, liver and eyes!
The various types of fatty fishes that you can consume are listed below:
- Tuna
- Mackerel
- Salmon
- Trout
- Sardines
- Herring
Either you eat it fresh or get canned fish, both are equally good for your health!
You’ve probably heard this before but nuts are really beneficial for your health, no matter which one you prefer to consume. They are enriched with proteins, minerals, healthy fats and antioxidants.
Nuts are also a good way of feeling full while you are on your weight loss journey and research shows that people that are daily consumers of nuts are less likely to become fat.
There is around 19 grams of fat in 1 oz of walnuts, and it is best recommended to consume unsalted nuts for the most benefit!
Nut butter is a really tasty way of staying healthy but only when you are not eating too much of it because they are also high in calories!
Each scoop of these butters gives you a decent amount of monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats, other nutrients like Vitamins E and B6, folate, niacin, magnesium, zinc, copper, and potassium which is really good for your body and mind but guilty eating is never a good way of coping up!
Olives are a staple at almost everyone’s place, and beside being enriched with all the healthy fats and nutrients, it is also really beneficial for your diabetes!
Olives contain a compound called oleuropein that prevents diabetes, as it helps your body in the secretion of insulin to counter your diabetes.
For all the vegans here, tofu is your best friend. Tofu is a plant-based protein rich staple food that is healthy and beneficial for your heart.
150 grams of tofu has around 5 g of fat and constitutes up to 12% of your body’s entire calcium intake throughout the day.
Yogurt contains probiotics that help and support your gut function, research shows that if you are a daily consumer of yogurt, your risks of cardiovascular disease can be reduced and your heart health gets better.
There is a lot of debate on which yogurt is better: low fat or high fat but keeping aside all that you can always opt for eating yogurt o a daily basis to reap all the benefits.
Benefits of monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats
- MUFAs and PUFAs help reducing inflammation
- Are beneficial for your cardiovascular health
- Lower your bad cholesterol levels
- Help increase insulin levels
- Are beneficial for your eye and liver health
PUFAs are mainly of two types: omega-3 and omega-6 and these are good fats that can be taken from the food you eat because the human body is uncapable of producing them on its own.
Trans fats are hydrogenated oils which are really harmful for your health and over all well-being, they are labelled behind the packaging of every product with the quantity in which they are present, and you should always keep in mind to minimize and avoid their usage as much as you can.
Below are some potential health risks that they can cause:
- Cardiovascular diseases
- Heart strokes
- Diabetes
To avoid consumption of trans fat, try avoiding these foods as much as you:
- Fast food that is fried
- Frozen pizzas and frozen food
- Baked food
- Processed food
Your body is you companion in every journey you are going to make in this lifetime and taking care of it is your responsibility and in today’s hectic world we almost always forget about it.
In this article, we gave you healthy alternatives of fatty and unhealthy food items which can put you at risk of a huge number of health problems and diseases, but following through is something that only you will be able to do.